Linggo, Agosto 7, 2011


       While sitting here on my tont porch
I think  I saw the guy to take the blame
For all this rain from the sky
'Cause I have watched for several months
He plows his field in vain
No sooner does he finish and it begins to rain
There is no way to calculate the odds that you would get
That he would simply plow a field and always end up wet
He comes to till the field turning soil with a plow
Goes back and forth the whole day long behind his carabao
And everything he finishes at last his work is done
The sun is shining brightly and perhaps he thinks he's won.
You  know it can't rain everyday and he deserves a break.
I mean there's only so much a man should
take,Yet once again just like it did
now several times before, that very night the clouds arrive
The rain begins to pour
Now when the clouds have life with the ending of the flood
He sees the place for planting corn is now a sea of mud
But don't you think with all of this he'd get it in his head to say
"The hell with raising corn I'm raising rice instead"
"And even if that does'nt work
I know just what to do
I'll name my swamp Balili 2 and sell it to Cebu.



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